Delete calculated systems (all trades)

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Delete calculated systems (all trades)

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A constructed duct/pipework can be deleted with this function.

The Easyline System isn't affected.


Access to the command over


Command line: _EASYDEL


Assistant: lueftung_gew | Ventilation Easyline | easyline_del

Assistant: heizung_gew | Heating Easyline | easyline_del

Assistant: saniicon | Sanitary Easyline | easyline_del

Assistant: abwasser_gew | Sewage Easyline | easyline_del

Assistant: abwasser_gew | Rainwater Easyline | easyline_del

Assistant: spr-small | Sprinkler Easyline | easyline_del




Move a window over the start point of the duct/pipe line to be deleted.

The duct/pipeline will be deleted.