Easyline Rain water

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Easyline Rain water

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Access to the command over


Command line: _EASYLINE_AW


Assistant: abwasser_gew | Rain water Easyline | L_easyline_SRW_32




After calling up the function following Dialogue opens:









Create 3D elements

A pipework is generated by calling up the function and choosing all lines, that need to be calculated, in a selection-window.


Additional there is the possibility to pick only the starting-points to calculate the whole system.

Tipsandtricks If you choose only starting-points, it is necessary that all load-points are displayed at the screen (Block-layer and Element-layer).

Show result list

A waste water calculation will be done and issued in Excel (without slope).

Activate Dialogue Show Easyline

Function to check and change Easyline-systems.

Calculate with slope

This function calculates the pipework  in consideration of the slope.


Here you can make settings for Easyline.