Persons / Results

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Persons / Results

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This index card determines the parameter for the incurred human heat emission in rooms.










Personal Data


Human personal data is determined.

The quantity of persons in the room and the activity level according to DIN 1946, Part 2 (in Annex A, VDI 2078 Table 1) are important data.

From this table is heat emission dry or wet automatically selected or it can be manually filled in.

Room data

Room data is determined here.

The air-conditioned room temperature can be individually set for each room.

The operation periods (VDI 2078) are:

- Operational period from: 8:00-16:00

- Operational period from: 8:00-20:00

- Operational period from: 7:00-12:00 und 14:00-17:00

- Operational period from: 6:00-12:00 und 14:00-18:00

Room result

The results for the active room are displayed here.


A Cooling load calculation is displayed in Excel.


A Cooling load - Composition-sheet is printed, only for the selected room.


The current cooling load can be calculated.

The wet and dry coolling load values are shown in: cooling load dry and cooling load wet in [Watt].