Valve selection VDI3805

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Valve selection VDI3805

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Valve and radiator connection type can be selected here.


                                Access to the command over:





Command line: _VE_AUSWAHL


Assistant: heizung_gew | Radiator | heiz3


Toolbar: Heating | Radiator | Heat_Allplan_04




After calling up this function, click on a radiator to be changed.


There are two possiblilities for changing:



When more than one radiator is selected, all radiators are then given the same values (valve, connection,etc.).



When only one radiator is selected, identical radiators will be searched in the drawing

The following window is opened:


Ventil Auswahl_selekt


- Confirm with YES: all identical radiators in plan are changed.

- Confirm with NO: only the manually selected radiators will be changed.


Ventil Auswahl







Change Connection Type


Radiator connection can be defined.

The connection is shown in the diagram graphic.

These connections can be selected from one of the lists.


This connections are saved in the file %\k_data\heizung\vent.txt


Only certificated CAD administrators are allowed to create or edit these files.


If the connections should be changed or newly selected of an already defined

radiator, a graphic preview is shown.

Cross FL/RT with distance


This setting allows the return flow to first pull down during connection, in order to prevent a supply and return flow collision.

Valve Connection lateral

Determines the flow and return valve lengths.

Change Valves


The selected valves are shown. These valves can be found in the VDI3805 link (new).

By activating a valve, the positioning on the radiator can be manually set.