Connect nipples

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Connect nipples

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Constructed branches can be connected with a ductwork.


Access to the command over


Command line: _EASY_POS_CALC


Assistant: lueftung_gew | Ventilation analysis | easyline_settings




Click on a part in drawing, after executing this function.

Select the function 'attach positions'.

Click on the branch in drawing and the connected parts.


Confirm with 'OK'.









Define main position

With this function, the parts that are marked on the screen, will be taken to the list.

Add lines

Marked parts in drawing will be added to the list.


Delete lines

Marked parts as branches in drawing will be deleted from the active position.

Delete all connections

All positions will be removed from the list and the branch connection to the defined positions as branches in drawing will be deleted.



The marked parts from the list are shown in the graphic:


