Change room heights

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Change room heights

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Wall, window and door heights can be changed after floor definition.

Always use the correct 3D-View from BricsCAD.


Access to the command over


Command line: _CHANGERAUM


Assistant: raumbuch_gew | Heating load | raumchange

Assistant: raumbuch_gew |Energy certificate | raumchange

Assistant: wrl | Roombook RVS |raumchange




Select the command and click on the desired room symbol. The 3d-room information will be shown.

For easy viewing windows, doors, walls and ceilings are graphically differenciated by color.



Click on the element which should be modified. The current height will be shown in the command line.

Enter the new value. The changes will be shown immediately.

Finish this function with the 'ESC' button.



Example: Change size of window

If you pick a window a Dialogue opens. here you can change the size.



After confirming with "OK", the changes are shown immediately.



Finish the function with "ESC"-Button.



Example: Change room heights

If you pick a wall a Dialogue opens, where you can change the height.



After confirming with "OK", the changes are shown immediately.



Finish the function with "ESC"-Button.


attention Automatic volume determination is only possible at a simple pitch.The volume has to be extended manual at complex room geometries.