RVS Room management

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RVS Room management

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In the room management the tabularly recording and the allocations of rooms takes place.

If rooms are already captured in CAD, the necessary additional entries can be easily done here.


RVS Inputs





WRL+ - Add new room


WRL_1 - Copy current room


WRL_2 - Delete current room


WRL_3 - Recalculate


WRL_4 - Generate detailed output in Excel



After choosing WRL+ an input-mode is startet, where you can capture many rooms successive, through the selection of use, entry of areas and room heigths.

End the mode with button „Cancel new acquisition“.


The allocation of the air type happens auromatically through choosing the useage of a room:





The room name is equalized with the usage, but it can be adapted later.

Also all other room-properties (Room-number, temperature, Use and floor) can be adapted afterwards.




The actually chosen unit is always displayed here:





The entry of more units in the same project can be done here:








Here the sums of  supply-  and  exhaust-air rooms are displayed.





You can also see if ventilation technical methods are necessary or not.