Activate unit conversion

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Activate unit conversion

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If you want to convert units, the definition must be used consistetly in the drawing.

Parts must not be labeled differently.



If the measurements of a radiator is labeled with "1000/600/100" and on another with "TYP22 - 1000/600", the conversion does not work.



Examples for conversions:


For the conversion of the attribute the Bezeichnung (Tag) und Aufforderung (Prompt) stay unchanged,:

The value is defined as shown in the examples below:


Example - Radiator-performing from Watt to Kilowatt:


| | |

| | |

| |  %20 ... defines the conversion in Kilowatt

|  _2 .... defines the number of decimal points

 $ ..... activates the conversion



Example - Radiator-performance from Watt to Liter/Hour:


| | |

| | |

| |  %15 ... defines the conversion in Liter/hour

|  _2 .... defines the number of decimal points

 $ ..... activates the conversion



Example - Fußbodenabstand von Meter in Zentimeter:

$_2%3 cm    

| | | |

| | |  cm .... Text for definition of the unit

| |  %3 .... defines the conversion to centimeter

|  _2 .... defines the number of decimal points

 $ ..... activates the conversion