Place radiators

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Place radiators

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Command line: _HK_AUSWAHL


Assistant: heizung_gew | Radiator | heizk_auswahl


Toolbar: Heating | Radiator | Heat_Allplan_02




Radiators can be manually placed with this function.


Radiator effeciency can either be selected by clicking on a calculated room or a manually placed room.

Radiator efficiency can also be manually determined.

When the first point selected in plan in a room book, the function search radiators in rooms is opened.

After confirming the radiator selection, 2 points have to be picked in plan
Between these 2 points the radiator will be placed.

As the last step select on which side the radiator should be placed.

When manually placing a radiator by entering the efficiency, the first point has to be the first laying
point also.













All manufacturer-assigned radiators from the VDI3805-file are shown.



This connections are saved in the file %\k_data\heizung\HK .


Only certificated CAD administrators are allowed to create or edit these files.

Selection properties


The quantity of radiators shown can be limited.

Only the radiators with the same selected parameter will be shown.

Room Data


All data such as, room number or heat efficiency will be used.


Radiator efficiency can be modified in relation to the room.


Radiators are placed according to the rest-efficiency of the room (when radiators already exist in the room)


Efficiency will be assigned in percent.

Radiator efficiency is calculated from the room efficiency.

Heating System

These temperatures are used to recalculate the Norm-heating efficiency.

A new heating system can be set with the function Easyline-Starting point Heating.



The function Valve and Radiator Parameters will be opened.





Radiator distances are entered with this function.

RAD-Efficiency Requirements

Radiator efficiency can be entered with this function.

The ideal radiator will be shown.


Selected radiator and its variation to the requirements is shown for controlling.

Type Selection


Radiator can be selected here.

EN442 [Watt] ... radiator Norm-heating efficiency

RAD Efficiency ... radiator efficiency with system temperature