Easyline Starting-point Heating

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Easyline Starting-point Heating

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The start points for the Easyline System Heating can be set here.

These start points contain all the necessary values for calculating a pipework system.

Two start Points (supply and return) must be set on the corresponding Easyline Systems.


                                Access to the command over:





Command line: _SETAP_H


Assistant: heizung_gew | Heating Easyline | H_VD_AP


Toolbar: Heating | Easyline Heating | Allplan_H_01




A Dialogue opens:









Here distinguishes between the supply and return starting points.

Heating System

The supply and return temperatures for the heating system can be set here.

With the names SUP and RET, a new heating system can be generated.

This heating system is saved with the function (VD_Anfangspunkt_Heizung_save).

New System Layer


A deactivated Checkbox: pipework is set in the active layer.



An activated Checkbox: an new layer can be set for the pipework to be calculated.

The layer can be selected an modified from the layer-selection with its description.

The color can also be modified.


The settings Trade definitions are valid.



Shows with which criteria the pipework is going to be set.

Dimensioning with R (pressure loss) or dimensioning with velocity are available.


The maximum useable (pipework -dimensioning) pressure loss per pipe-meter in Pa/m.

max. velocity

The maximum useable (pipework-dimensioning) velocity in m/s.


The material and the minimum diameter of the generated pipework can be selected.

All heating materials stored in the pipe tables can be used.

other Medium

For the placement of a pipework, an alternative medium for density and viscosity can be used.

e.g. Cool pipes with "glycol mixture" or systems with "oil"


By activating 'pick height in drawing', the Easyline-Starting point is set on picked point. When deactivating this function, a new height can be entered.