Combined component parts

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Combined component parts

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With this function, distribution box constructions can be drawn.


                                Access to the command over:





Commandline: _EBTCOMB


Assistant: heiz3 | Heating construction| ebt_kombination

Assistant: saniicon | Sanitary construction | ebt_kombination

Assistant: abwasser_gew |Sanitary construction | ebt_kombination


Toolbar: Heating | Heating Design | Allplan_H_26

Toolbar: Sprinkler | Sprinkler Design | Allplan_H_26




Start on an already existing distributor position, or scan a distance.


HK_Kombiniertes EBT








Block register


The block register path can be edited here.


HK_Kombiniertes EBT_pfad

The block register path is shown here.



All folders, drawings and blocks included in this register are shown and can be selected.

Automatic Flange


With this function flanges will placed between the component parts.

In the AutoCAD full version select A_Flange PN6-PN16 (armatures 3d), in all other

graphic systems choose Flange A (Armatures).

Choose the component and define it as a flange by clicking the right mouse-button.

Pressure Level PN


The system pressure level can be selected here.

The corresponding component part flange diameter will be automatically suggested.

The component part length is taken from the table EN558.

Distribution box construction


Selects the stored distribution box constructions.



Saves the distribution box constructions.

Names can now be selected.



The active distribution box sample will be deleted.


HK_Kombiniertes EBT_aufbau

The distribution box construction is now shown.


The active part (shown in blue) can be rotated on the long axis.

The rotation can be achieved in the main directions


Rotation (new direction) can be achieved over Button_up_gross Button_down_gross in the four main directions: above, below, left or right, and over Button_up_klein Button_down_klein every angle can be set.

Standard Length Centric


The center of component part can be set at the second picked point.

Cross Section


Controls the active cross section.