Connection Sanitary CW/HW

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Connection Sanitary CW/HW

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Connections for sanitary objects set with the functions Place sanitary objects on an Easyline System or arhictectural blocks with the function Define sanitary objects , in order to expand the connection parameters.

The connection is from the linegroup to the sanitary object's connections.


                                Access to the command over:





Command line: _EASYCONNECTS


Assistant: saniicon | Drinking water Easyline | easyconnects


Toolbar: Sanitary facilities | Drinking Water |sani_allplan_05




After executing the function 'Connect Sanitary CW/HW', select the sanitary objects that are to be connected to the same partial line.

Confirm and pick the cold and hot water line.

It will be automatically distinguished between a cold and hot water connection.



attention CAUTION!

          By connecting sanitary objects or load points, the UCS have to be set to 'world'.




